Hip-hop is a relatively new dance form that originated in New York City neighborhoods in the 70s. Already, hip-hop has expanded in various styles such as breakdancing, popping, house, and other street styles. Hip Hop uses fierce energy, dynamics, and free styled movement. It is set to a strong, contemporary beat, builds stamina, and emphasizes body isolations, attitude, coordination, free-style movement, and rhythm. These upbeat high tempo classes aim to develop not only technique, but self confidence and stage performance as well. Sure to get your blood pumping!
Mini Hop Hop (ages 3-5 ), Hip Hop I (ages 5-8 ), Hip Hop II (ages 8-11) Hip Hop Teen (ages 12 & up)
Dress Code:
Girls: Any solid-color athletic pant, sweats, or shorts. Any solid-color top (leotard, shirt, or tank top). Cleaned Soled Tennis Shoes.
Boys: Any solid-color athletic pant, sweats, or shorts. Any solid-color top (leotard, shirt, or tank top). Cleaned Soled Tennis Shoes.